This page provides a listing of any CWA Local 7800 union member that is currently out of work recovering from a workplace injury and a link to their GoFundMe.Com page so other members of our union can send financial gifts to them during their recovery if they so choose.
Listing here is voluntary and requests to be listed here must be requested from our CWA Local 7800 office.
CWA Local 7800 Union MembersInjured ListRobert Smith
Robert was injured in a workplace incident. Both his heels were shattered and he also fractured his L2,L4 & L5 vertebrae.
He has a long recovery ahead of him, including a 4 month Rehab period where he will be unable to put any pressure on his feet and is in a rehabilitation facility in Puyallup.
He is hoping for some help to cover expenses his family incurs visiting him from Lake Stevens and funding to help cover the difference in pay for being on short-term disability during this period for monthly bills/living expenses.
Any contributions are Most Appreciated!
Thanks! And God Bless!